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Our Thoughts on Living in Community


How many women do you want to live with?


When asked in October 2021, “How many women do you want to have in the Community you dream of living in? Max #? Min #? and Why?”, this is what women said:

"40 or 50 max. gives plenty of opportunity for diversity, and its possible to get to know lots of women by association and some as good friends." - H.S.

"I have been thinking of condensing my belongings down to tiny house standards so I'd love a ROOM, I think. I love hosteling but I am active and going around. Stairs could be an issue so any option to trade or move to a lower level might be a fun thing to consider. Number: Most group theory says 8 but I've been in large groups that do get things done (but short term) and I've lived in a dorm but we had no or limited say in how we ran things. Dorm had 7 floors and around 15-18 students per floor. I'm thinking out loud here as you can read/hear... I also think it might matter the structures, spacing, design of spaces ..." - M.C.

“Around 10 - 12 womyn. I like the idea of mixed dwelling options. A big house for co-living. Smaller shared or individual homes also.” - C.F.

“20?” - L.S.

“somewhere between nine and 13 to start, depending on the circumstances, as others have said. Depends on condo/apartment building, tiny houses, or a shared home.” - V.A.

“8-128. With possibility of additions and waiting list to keep "green"” - M.K.

“I think it depends on the type of community, ie, apartment - building, condos, individual homes, etc. Also, I think the ownership/vs rental units factor plays into this. Maybe the better suited question is what is the minimum/maximum unit range. To that, I’d say 10 unit/lot minimum to get started, a 400 unit/lot max, with an HOA to provide some semblance of guidance on how the units/lots are used, built on, etc.

The Grand Dream? A variety of options. Store fronts with apartments above, an area for individual homes, another for condos, and a fourth for temporary to permanent tiny homes. And a fifth for retirees. Big scale, big dream, ideal living. And lots of diversity! Just like us.” - C.T.

“voting boards could handle larger numbers because it could be handled organically like a board but I do agree with you on keeping size stable and small at least initially.” - M.S.

“The plan is that once the Community is in existence, it's operation will be turned over to a non-profit group run by the residents, either an HOA or other resident-owned/operated structure. It has never been OWILC's intention to operate the community, only to combine the resources of many women to purchase the property, install/upgrade the infrastructure and build or remodel the Community House.” - A.N.

“For me it's more about physical separation of dwellings. I would want at least 40 yards between units.” - S.F.

“My Ideal number of womyn would be about 40 individual units on 10 acres which gives everyone 1/4 acres to themselves and their ideal camper, park model, container, schoolie, van or earthship home.

In addition to that, an area where communal living can be added for about say 40 people. That would also be on a 1/2 acre together. The rooms would only be about 8x10, just enough for a bed and closet. The communal living would have shared baths and small kitchen areas. There will also be 1/4 acre just for storage for the communal living.

Next, there would be another 1/2 acreage just for food green houses and food growth.

Of course there will also be a 1acre area for an entertainment building, with kitchen and outside area.

Another 1 or 2 acres would be for farm animals. No farm animals will be allowed near sleeping quarters

About 1 acre will be for travelers and vacationers who are just passing through.

I still have more acreage for unseen projects, trash,, farm vehicles, tool shed and parking.

This will not be a HOA or nonprofit community. The individual quarter acres will have a set lot rental fee as well as the communal and travelers spaces.

It will be extremely affordable, $200 for 1/4 acres and communal, and less for the travelers.

I will front the bill for the communal and travelers structures. I will also have septic installed for communal and travels. Everyone else will have dump station.

As far as electricity, I will have solar on the communal and travelers. Everyone else will be responsible for there own. I'm not sure how far the power lines are.

Water will be trucked in or rain catchment for the communal. Everyone else will be responsible for their own.

I'm sure there are unfortunately seen things here but this is my ruff draft.

So, to answer the question at hand, about 80-100. I believe the more we have, the better chance for a variety with out boredom. Plus, the more we have, the better chances are to help others in need.” - D.B.

“Experts say that 20-25 dwellings or family units is best to make cooperation manageable.” - A.A.

"There are models where the land is owned by the corporation and the houses are owned by the individual. This has a lot of tax advantages. There is still a HOA, but retaining ownership of the land quiets all disputes, "It's my property and I'll do what I want with it". If the individual owns the property there is also always a question of when they pass on who can sell the property, and to who? The property could be left to a child who is not lesbian and wishes to live there, or who wishes to sell it. But, overall, I think the size of the property would determine how many should live there." - A.R.



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